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Tag: twitter

Weekly Tweetdump 37

This is what @theaudiogeek did this week Thanks for coming out. RT @mattesque: @theaudiogeek great meetup. thanks for organizing it. Have a drink for me…

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Weekly Tweetdump 36

Here’s what theaudiogeek said this week dammit I should really label my drives. Which one of you is Nick Nolte, Gary Busey and who is…

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Weekly Tweetdump 35

Here’s what @theaudiogeek said this week: Spent most of the day making useful FX presets with Amplitube x-gear. Time to rest my ears now. @gmgranka…

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Weekly Tweetdump 34

Another week of updates from @theaudiogeek @KeyOfGrey 25% usually sounds like crap. I found PT’s Xform offline works best for long stretches. VERY slow though.…

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Weekly Tweetdump 3something

OK this one is for my own reference. While traveling and the time I didn’t have internet at home I was tweeting and I know…

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Weekly Tweetdump 3something

OK this one is for my own reference. While traveling and the time I didn’t have internet at home I was tweeting and I know there was some good stuff in there. So there’s about 3 weeks worth of tweets here to catch up. Read if you enjoy my misery. Everything from more than a week ago is in full post view.

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