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Weekly Tweetdump 36

Here’s what theaudiogeek said this week

  • dammit I should really label my drives. Which one of you is Nick Nolte, Gary Busey and who is the third??? I have 7 hard drives now.
  • help name my baby girl. We can’t think of anything.
  • I have the fun task of installing and authorizing ALL my plugins again unless I can figure out how to migrate them.
  • yes I’ve googled it
  • I cannot figure out how to get basic networking going with Win7 and 10.5.8 together.
  • As with everything I do, my Win7 install didn’t work the first time. At least I have time.
  • Listening to the new A Plea For Purging. My ear’s asses are being thoroughly kicked.
  • @recordinghacks re:chinese mic co. they must know it’s shit. LOL [in response to: So, the Chinese mic company won’t send me a mic to review after all, because they’re afraid I might publicize the mic. Umm, what?]

Talking about mics

  • [ME] Got an Nt1a today.
  • [tehbadge] Quite versatile RT @theaudiogeek: Got an Nt1a today.
  • [quiztones] RT @theaudiogeek: Got an Nt1a today. /// I like that mic, what are you going to rec with it first?
  • [ME] @quiztones I got it because I needed some kind of decent mic right now. A lot of my studio gear including all my mics is still in Toronto.
  • [RandyCoppinger]@theaudiogeek New mics are always fun. What else you got in yer mic collection?
  • [ME] @RandyCoppinger Nothing special, 2×3035, sm58, EV Raven, RE410, some cheap AT pencils. The store was out of SM7b, what I wanted.
  • [Randy] @theaudiogeek sm7b is a cool mic, but not sure I’d consider it a workhorse for vox. I love the AT 4k series and Studio Projects C series. [note- This lead to many replies in praise of the SM7b. Randy went on to try and like the mic for vocals on his next session. This is why Twitter is great.]
  • [Randy] @theaudiogeek M Audio Sputnik is pretty amazing too. Hoping to get a Brauner VMX approved at work this year. WAY outta my personal reach.
  • [ME] @RandyCoppinger I’ve quite a bit of experience with the Sputnik. I like it but is not transparent at all.
  • [Randy]@theaudiogeek Agreed about Sputnik. But neither is a u47. Both are likely gonna sound good on voice though.
  • [molebomb]@theaudiogeek NT1a: great value, nicely made, decent sound
  • [ME] Unfortunately I may not be able to actually use the mic until it cools down in here b/c the AC has been running non stop. LOUD! HOT!

Other stuff

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