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Month: June 2010

Interview with Relic The Oddity

This is a guest post from Geoffrey Granka of Fresh Produce Productions. Find him online at and @gmgranka on twitter. You might not know Relic the…

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Weekly Tweetdump 34

Another week of updates from @theaudiogeek @KeyOfGrey 25% usually sounds like crap. I found PT’s Xform offline works best for long stretches. VERY slow though.…

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Vancouver Home Recording Meetup Group

If you live in Vancouver and are interested in Home Recording or anything covered on this site or podcast, I’ve just started a Meetup group…

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Big deals on Pro Tools Plugins

Our friends at the AIR Users blog have expanded their shop to offer Pro Tools plugins at big discounts. The AIR Users Blog Bargain Basement…

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Weekly Tweetdump 3something

OK this one is for my own reference. While traveling and the time I didn’t have internet at home I was tweeting and I know…

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REAPER Multiband Processing Template

On the REAPER forum a new user was asking how you could split the audio into various bands and process each independently. Here is a…