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Weekly Tweetdump 3something

OK this one is for my own reference. While traveling and the time I didn’t have internet at home I was tweeting and I know there was some good stuff in there. So there’s about 3 weeks worth of tweets here to catch up. Read if you enjoy my misery. Everything from more than a week ago is in full post view.

  • @RandyCoppinger my pet snake actually is named Noodle.
  • New AGZ post: Moving sucks
  • The girls in Vancouver must try really hard to look ugly. I don’t understand it.
  • @wooliegeek Nope, talking about all the hipsters on Commercial Dr. or on my side of Hastings.
  • Moving co sez ‘sometime in July’ to deliver. WTF! What happened to the 14 day estimate!? #FML
  • I had a good time sitting in on a mastering session with Alex at Suite Sound Labs this morning.
  • The park is cold today. Wish I had internet at home.
  • New studio desk and chairs. Now I need my gear.
  • @Mikehillier the desk is a custom combination of IKEA parts. I’ll blog about it later. [in response to:

    @theaudiogeek what studio desk have you gone for? I’m in the Market myself.]
  • Back to ikea to get the right chairs this time.
  • Meeting rescheduled 🙁 found $5 on the way home 🙂
  • 2 steps out the door on the way to a meeting and a bird pisses on me. LOL
  • Another great article from Brandon Drury: “The ‘Right’ Mic Placement.
  • Until I get internet at home Pandora Park and Starbucks are my favorite places to be.
  • Hmm…should we induce labor 2 weeks early or not go see Katatonia?
  • thank god for 7-eleven
  • Looks like it’ll be another week without internet.
  • @allenwagner I’ll just have to get cosy with the girls at Starbucks.
  • Never go to Strathcona unless you’re looking for drugs or prostitutes, then you’re in the right place. Fucking scary place.
  • This is why I hate going to IKEA. Good thing we didn’t really NEED anything. 🙁
  • So close! Arrived at our new apt, cant get in
  • In Kamloops! Just a few more hours of driving tomorrow to get to my new home!
  • I’m in Calgary. Kamloops is next, then Vancouver!
  • Check this out the Free EP from How to Destroy Angels –
  • In Moose Jaw SK. at the Super 8. 3000KM into our trip, 1650KM to go.
  • It’s really nice having Pro Tools on the laptop without extra junk on this trip. 🙂
  • @mr_union couldn’t resist temptation on that one. Not like it works well enough to use in real life
  • Made it to just outside of Sudbury today after making the final round of family visits and packing/repacking the van again and again.
  • Finally getting the fuck OUT of Mississauga! Movers say theyll come Monday. I’ll be in Vancouver by Friday
  • stood up by our movers 🙁
  • Oh no! Movers are late!
  • Dear past self: why did you leave all this stuff to do for me today?
  • “Professional Quality” recording studios now available at Toys R Us
  • Yay! RT @joegilder: We’re having a boy!
  • For the record, if there’s no podcast this week it’s not my fault.
  • studio acoustics have been taken down and packed. Damn this room sounds terrible.
  • Found a soft black laptop sleeve/bag at Dollarama of all places. $2!
  • RT @airusersblog: “AIR Blog” Pro Tools Crack – The Analysis Of AVIDGATE
  • @mr_union the thing is… you don’t need to buy it now. AVID said it couldn’t be done, and yet it works
  • New AGZ post: Weekly Tweetdump 32

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