This is what @theaudiogeek did this week
Thanks for coming out. RT @mattesque: @theaudiogeek great meetup. thanks for organizing it.
Have a drink for me and @KeyOfGrey it’s our birthday.
Just got back from the Meetup. Very successful I’d say. 14 home recordists came out.
Woot! Can’t wait 🙂 RT @SlauBeSharp: @theaudiogeek OK, I’ll be in vancouver the week of 9/25-10/2. We’re planning something.
Looking forward to dinner tonight with @chckn8r and @KeyOfGrey and the rest of the Vancouver Home Recording meetup group.
New AGZ post: The History of the Shure SM57
Going to have a look at Fader Master Studios tonight
Just how tall is the Superlux MS 200 mic stand?
I sneaked a peek at @gmgranka‘s next article. I think he should get a promotion.
New AGZ post: Synthesizer Basics – Lesson 2
REAPER 3.65 update out now some nice changes included.
@chuck_russom although the crash is the cause of the swear so I guess its the same thing.
@chuck_russom you should be owed that money, it’s not your fault. [in response to: You know those swear jars, where you put in $1 everytime your swear? I’m going to make a software crash jar, gonna put in $1 for every crash]
another vote for the 710 @joegilder: @KeyOfGrey
@KeyOfGrey Sputnik sounds cool with an LA-610 but might be too colored depending on your tastes. I like my P-Solo preamp, uber clean.
staying up late to watch Anchorman ftw
New AGZ post: What’s New in FL Studio 9.5 Beta
@theRyanHarvey Interesting idea, never thought of that. How did it work out? [in response to: @theaudiogeek dude was messing with a weird idea using autotunes throat formant thingy on a snare to tune it]
Reason 5 looks SICK! Do want!
@CreateMusicTips well that would be out of character for AVID to do anything on time.
@gmgranka I think that’s a great idea! U87, sm57, 1176, LA2A, EMT plate reverb, Fender amps, Moog synths would be a few I’d want to read. [in response to: To the people that read AGZ, would it be interesting if I did posts on the history of famous pieces of gear?]
It probably wouldn’t even be that hard to write. I hope some devs are reading this, I’m too lazy to do it myself.
I need to write a plugin that will order food for me so I don’t have to stop working. Choose preset: Pizza/burrito/sub etc. then delivery
New AGZ post: Pro Tools 8.0.4 PC slow scrolling bug
PC completely locked up when @ihazadoodle came over and sat down. Hey I was working on that! I wonder when the last time I saved was…
anyone else noticed super slow horizontal scrolling in the Pro Tools 8.0.4 MIDI editor?
New AGZ post: Weekly Tweetdump 36