If you live in Vancouver and are interested in Home Recording or anything covered on this site or podcast, I’ve just started a Meetup group for Home Recording people. The plan is to meet once a month for a couple hours. It’s free to sign up. Venue to be announced.
Vancouver Home Recording
This group is for anyone interested in Home Recording and the many related topics like mixing, microphones, acoustics, podcasting etc.
The goal of this group is to meet once a month, share stories and tips, talk about gear and techniques, and meet the community of recordists.
Whether you’re a hobbyist, musician, weekend warrior or professional audio engineer, you are welcome to come out and connect, share and learn from the community.
Meet people, share, learn and laugh.
If you’re in the Toronto area there’s the Greater Toronto Area Home Recording Meetup. I went to the first meeting just before I moved and it was a lot of fun.