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REAPER Multiband Processing Template

On the REAPER forum a new user was asking how you could split the audio into various bands and process each independently. Here is a project I’ve set up to do just that.

The source audio track is sent (master send disabled) to 6 other tracks, each with a ReaFIR plugin to define the bands. Subs, Lows, Low Mids, High Mids, Highs and Ultra Highs. After that is a simple compressor for each band. You can insert any other plugins you want for each band: Saturation, stereo width etc. You may find this to be a good starting point for mastering.

Here’s the Project File:

Let me know if you find this useful or have any problems with it.


  1. mastering
    mastering February 27, 2011

    Reaper is a DAW that has a lot going for it, it seems to have incredibly flexible routing which a lot of other DAW manufacturers could learn from. Thanks for the nice info on this up and coming workstation.

  2. x
    x October 27, 2019

    please download give

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