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Month: April 2010

Follow Friday #FF

#FF I don’t think I’ll ever understand how I have nearly 1400 twitter followers and they people I find interesting, the guys that deserve those…

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HSC Production Club – 12 week online course on music production

Joe at Home Studio Corner is doing another round of the HSC production club. What’s great about his course is that it bridges the gap…

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Free Plugin Of The Week: Elysia – Niveau filter

It’s been a while since I’ve come across a nice cross-platform FREE plugin so when I heard about this today I knew I had to…


Weekly Tweetdump 28

A week of Twitter activity from @theAudioGeek Just when I start to <3 elastic audio again I hear “the change” and my evening is ruined…

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Learning REAPER – Resources & Help

I’m among the many frustrated Pro Tools users that is spending more and more time with REAPER these days. It doesn’t have all the features…