A week of Twitter activity from @theAudioGeek
- Just when I start to <3 elastic audio again I hear “the change” and my evening is ruined and I’m back to manual chopping.
- for example: first raw tracks, then slight adjustment with obvious artifacts. http://trunc.it/7hl4m
This session got to 40 tracks pretty quick, not even close to done yet.
Down by the river? RT @sonicvalentine: In a van.
Reminder: Free webinar Monday on great Home Studio recordings. http://www.homestudiocorner.com/2010/04/20/an-epic-free-webinar/
watching trainwrecks on the womb…http://thewombforums.com/showthread.php?t=14384
@rodger_brennan halucinations start around hour 16 of soldering, much faster when combined with circuitbending. [in response to:Is rosin core solder hallucinogenic?]
Session done. He brought pizza. Also I’m good at hip-hop.
@strangenotez LOL I don’t know. Being fast with PT. Not leaving while the rapper is in the booth. Paying attention. Engineering knowledge. [in response to: @theaudiogeek what makes for a good hip hop engineer in your opinion?]
session a no show…so far.
Home Recording Show Host @rcanestro is a guest on the great podcast Audio Now Cast http://nowcastnetwork.com/
New AGZ post: Learning REAPER – Resources & Help http://bit.ly/bUMyxz
Up early & listening to Sonic Talk http://trunc.it/7f4wd
Tracked some bass through a Tone Hammer today. http://trunc.it/79frd Pretty cool & worth checking out.
Grilled cheese sandwiches FTMFW!!
AudioMIDI no-brainer deal $20 for Antares DUO Evo http://www.audiomidi.com/DUO-evo-Native-No-Brainer-Deal-P13836.aspx
Depeche Mode’s Live Rig is crazy http://www.musicradar.com/news/guitars/depeche-modes-live-setup-revealed-245774
New AGZ post: An Epic Free Webinar on getting great home recordings http://bit.ly/aAkAZ1
The Home Recording Show Episode 73 out now. Upright bass & Software updates covered. http://homerecordingshow.com
Editing the newest podcast and man that energy drink burnout I had last night is really obvious.
@shadowhills was the case handcuffed to a guy in a suit? [in response to: Secret Prototype arrived this morning. Kind of disappointed it wasn’t in a fancier case.]
@theaudiogeek it should have been. The fedex guy did peel into the lot backwards and block the road to drop it off. That’ll do.
Toronto Home Recording Meetup – http://www.meetup.com/Toronto-Home-Recording/calendar/13230845/ May 6th
After tracking drums at a studio it’s gonna be tough to do it again in home studios.
having a spare U87 to use as a room mic is the kind of luxury that I don’t want to be without
Doing some more editing for The Empire Shall Fall today. Love working for those guys. http://www.myspace.com/theempireshallfall
Photoshop “Content Aware Fill” needs improvement. http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/9033644-post37.html LOL
New AGZ post: Weekly Tweetdump 27 http://bit.ly/ceTL6q