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PT Tuts Exclusive deal for AGZ readers

Since the launch of PT Tuts there have been a few changes based on customer feedback. You can read my review of PT Tuts over here.

  • Improved site usability
  • All content is instantly available. Previously each module was unlocked weekly. That’s almost 18hrs of video tutorials.
  • New pricing – $199/year or $24.95/month

And now the good news:

PT Tuts creator Chris Bryant has been kind enough to offer AGZ readers with a 40% discount for annual memberships.

The coupon code is AGZ2011. It is valid until January 31.

One Comment

  1. Kuba Wolanin
    Kuba Wolanin January 8, 2011

    Wow, that’s great website! I looked for some ProTools tutorials recently and that looks really good. I think I’ll try:)

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