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Month: January 2011

Drugstore Fanatics Recording "What's Born In The Basement"

Drugstore Fanatics is a band from Los Angeles, their 2009 Self-Produced/recorded album “What’s Born In The Basement” was documented in two ways; A PDF (How…


Winter NAMM 2011 – Highlights and comments

Winter NAMM has come and gone again. Over the weekend there was a ton of new products that were announced this time, but overall I…

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Winter NAMM 2011 – Announcements

It looks like there are a lot of interesting new products being announced at this NAMM. I’ll be posting and updating this over the weekend as things are announced. I’ll try to keep my opinions to myself for now.

Leave a note in the comments if I’ve missed something, which I’m sure I have.

WTF is NAMM? –


Waves Eddie Kramer Signature Collection Signal Chain Diagrams

Similar to the CLA collection stuff I posted about a while ago, if you head over to the Waves site you can read about what’s…

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How I've grown as a mixer in 8 months

For my recent Mixing Masterclass event I remixed a song I did for the band Cardinal Chase just before I moved to Vancouver. I was…


Want something to mix? Mix This! # 8

I uploaded one of my old industrial songs to the Recording Review forum for people to mix and remix. I know multi-track projects to practice…

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