Not a whole lot exciting going on this week in the audio world. I was at the MIAC/PAL tradeshow today and saw some things I can’t talk about but mostly nothing new.
MIAC/PAL 2010 Highlights:
Nuendo 5 was on display but I didn’t even glance at it (not interested) so can’t really say anything about that.
I saw the new Audio-Technica ribbon mic up close which was about half as big as I thought it was. Looks great.
I met Laura Clapp at the TC Electronic booth. Because she wasn’t doing a demo at the time I didn’t make the mental connection until someone said “I saw you on YouTube.”
I’m dead tired and my head hurts from the constant barrage of drumming, keytar wankery, PA system demos etc. I’m sure there are more things to mention but I just can’t think of what else was there.
Also I should mention I may not post much in the next 3 weeks because I’m moving to Vancouver and whodathunkit’d be a complicated thing to do.
Here’s this past week of @theaudiogeek activity:
I saw a younger, gay(?) doppelganger of Big Al @allenwagner today. Strange to say the least.
@aniazmusic I’ll be there in an hour [in response to: Just ran into @musicline at MIAC. Wondering who else is here]
I <3 ebow. Gonna have to find room in my non existent audio toy budget for one.
Now taking suggestions on names for my forthcoming spawn (girl)
what’s the point of having 1418 followers if none of them will speak up and tell me to get pizza for dinner. FFFFFUUUU
Dear Twitter: what should I have for dinner.
Looks like a cool thing if you’ve got a compatible phone, which I don’t RT @RandyCoppinger: Any of my pro #audio tweeps using
RT @CreateMusicTips: Know your vocoder history, from WWII to autotune: Thanks NPR!
Oh yeaa Veal sammich
It’s too easy to waste hours watching 5 second films –
Anyone else going to the MIAC/PAL show in Toronto on Sunday?
@RandyCoppinger that project is on hold until I find a store I can try out a bunch of tubes before buying. [in response to:@theaudiogeek Did you ever get the mystery tube mic working?]
Looking for a new MIDI controller? Check out my review of the Nocturn 49 here:
Home Recording Show episode 76 is up now –
Hey Tweeps what are you doing today?
“I’m sorry it’s a basement suite not an apartment” same shit
New AGZ post: Novation Nocturn Keyboard + Automap standard Review
Nearly done my Nocturn 49 review, just needed some clarifications from tech support. Should be online later today.
Replied – RT @groove3inc: Got any tracks to share? Please…
New episode of Master Tracks. Great show on recording bands from demo to download in 1 day.
New AGZ post: Weekly Tweetdump 30
I know Laura. I cna’t remember where from though. Does she live in Nashville? I remember her being VERY talented.
The conversation was all about dealer accounts and product lines so that didn’t really come up.