Santeri Salmi’s eBook Aggressive Drums – The Recording Guide is for sale now with pay-what-you-want pricing.
After I posted about the book in November, Santeri contacted me about proofreading and editing the book. He’s a fan of the blog, I’m a fan of the book concept and content. I was happy to help. Together we got the book finished nearly a week early.
I may be biased since I worked on the book… but I’ve also read this book cover to cover five times! It’s an excellent drum recording guide and a must for everyone working in hard-rock and metal, from drummers to producers, in basements and project studios. There’s something for everyone with solid advice and techniques that can be followed even on the smallest budget and in less-than-ideal spaces.
Santeri guides you though choosing and setting up the drums to get the best acoustic sound. Picking the best mics and placement for each drum. There’s an overview of acoustics and microphones. There’s a strong emphasis on getting the phase right, and how to correct it. Tuning, headphone mixes, editing and mixing are also covered.
Here’s a video tip from the book on getting huge ambience in a small space.
The format is pdf, over 100 pages with tons of photos and diagrams.