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Month: January 2013

TED Talk: Why architects need to use their ears

Another great TED Talk by Julian Treasure (watch another, and another) about architecture, acoustics and education. I can certainly relate to this, my high school…

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Aggressive Drums – The Recording Guide eBook

Santeri Salmi’s eBook Aggressive Drums – The Recording Guide is for sale now with pay-what-you-want pricing. After I posted about the book in November, Santeri…

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Theaudiogeek’s favorite things of 2012

2012 is over and overall I’m happy with how it turned out. In this article I’ll have a look back and highlight some of my…

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Learn how to build web & mobile audio applications in WikiAudio’s free course is now offering a free online course called Interactive Audio: Learn how to build web & mobile audio applications using Javascript & the Web…

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