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Quiztones frequency trainer for Mac now available

Quiztones is a frequency ear training app for amateur and professional audio engineers and musicians. Quiztones uses frequency-altered tones, noise and musical loops to train your ears and help develop more acute listening and frequency recognition skills. Previously I blogged about the Quiztones app for iPhones, Now it is available on your Mac through the App Store. For more info, visit

Quiztones will…

• Sharpen your ears & frequency recognition skills
• Improve your mixing and EQ chops
• Prevent noise and frequency buildup in your mixes & recordings
• Eliminate the need to sweep for frequencies

Quiztones cleverly uses quizzes to engage users in training exercises. Track your progress with the built-in score log.

Each EQ Quiz includes four trainers:

• Easy frequency boost
• Hard frequency boost
• Hard frequency cut
• Expert frequency boost (1/3 octave)

Quizzes included in version 1.0:

• iTunes/Music Library
• Tones
• Pink Noise
• Piano
• Bass
• Drums
• Strings
• Strings 2
• Orchestra
• Upright Bass
• Female Vocals
• Electric Guitar
• Acoustic Guitar

Get Quiztones for Mac in the App Store


  1. Eric
    Eric December 5, 2011

    Hey Jon, is there an alternative for Android or even PC that you know of? I could use a little ear training. Thanks! 😀

    • Jon
      Jon December 5, 2011

      Hi Eric, sorry, none that I know of.

      • Eric
        Eric December 5, 2011

        Ah. No problem, I’ll just go buy a mac. xD By the way, how is Reaper working out for you on your mac?

        • Jon
          Jon December 7, 2011

          Reaper is great on my mac. No problems other than some plugin issues which I’ve gotten around. Going from PC to Mac was easy though the Mac version seems a bit less snappy to navigate.

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