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Month: August 2011

Drum Editing and 31 Days To Better Sounding Drums

Last month I did a guest post for Travis Whitmore’s SilverLake Studio blog as part of his 31 Days to Better Drums series. My article…


Guitar Tone Capacitors Compared

Ryan Canestro linked me to these cool videos from where John Cooper wires up and compares a variety of capacitors in his electric guitar.…

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Fixing Small Studio Acoustics Problems

This weekend I moved my home studio from one room to another. From a nearly 200 square foot living room to a 100 square foot bedroom. It’s been a long time since I’ve thought about room acoustics and because this is a common situation for home studios, I thought I’d share my experience.
This article will help you understand and overcome the challenges of a dedicated studio in a small room. It will be most helpful to those with symmetrical rooms (no weird angles) and to those that don’t need all the usual bedroom stuff, at the very least it will be a starting point to making the best of the situation.

Corner bass trap and broadband absorbers plus foam above.

The Problems
Small rooms are more likely to have acoustic problems than larger ones, primarily flutter echo, room modes and early reflections that are too short. In my room, I knew there was a very bad flutter echo problem and room modes may be a problem but were predictable. The room is symmetrical which was an advantage the old room didn’t have. The measurements are approximately 11ft long x 9ft wide x 8ft tall. There is a door and a closet on the back wall and 6 x 4 window on the front wall.


Guest Post: Spec Sheets vs the Real World

This is a guest post by Joe Gilder at Home Studio Corner. You can find him on Twitter @joegilder, Facebook.

Spec Sheets vs the Real World

“Well, it says here on the spec sheet that this microphone goes to 30 kHz, but THIS one goes to 40 kHz.”
“So the second one is better, right?”
“Can you even hear 30 or 40 kHz?”
“Well…no, but the second one’s gotta be better.”

Does that conversation sound familiar? Have you been on one end of a conversation like that before? I have. When I worked in audio retail, I used to have those types of conversations all the time. It was always the same type of customer, too. He would research for weeks, even months, before buying anything.


TC Electronic 'Rome Calling' Seminar – Loudness and the EBU R128 Broadcast Standard

In early June TC Electronic hosted the ‘Rome Calling’ pro-audio seminar and documented it in video. The first video is Florian Camerer talking about a…

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AGZ articles published in Canadian Musician Magazine

I contributed an article to the latest issue (July/Aug 2011) of Canadian Musician Magazine for the Recording Column. Check it out online here

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