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Strapping Young Lad in the studio recording Alien

@SydneyGalbraith shared these videos today and I think you’ll enjoy them. Strapping Young Lad document the recording process of their 2005 album Alien at The Armory in Vancouver, BC. Devin Townsend is a weirdo but he’s funny and a great musician and producer.
The band is super prepared before they go into the studio and it really pays off.



  1. Jordan Reynolds
    Jordan Reynolds February 25, 2011

    Yes, I love these videos. Devin Townsend happens to be my idol. Everything from his attitude, life views, song writing, audio engineering skills, production skills.

    He has this inhuman ability to create the most dense mix you have ever heard in your entire life without it sounding mushy or sloppy. Most of his work is based on this signature sound. Love it!

  2. online mastering
    online mastering May 6, 2011

    Nice videos always nice to see people setting up mics, for most engineers that never gets boring, lol.

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