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Month: October 2010

Introducing PT Tuts – Essential Pro Tools Training

PT Tuts is an awesome new Pro Tools training course created by Chris Bryant. This is a complete and comprehensive training product for absolute beginners…


Rotating Phase

I saw this posted on the REAPER forum today. I always wondered what a phase rotator does and this gif pretty much explains it, I…

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Free Plugin Of The Week – My Top 5 Delay Plugins

I <3 delays more than most things in this world. They are just so fun and useful when mixing. I don’t require anything too fancy…


Free Sound Of The Week – Music Made With Bees

This week Tonehammer, makers of some incredible sample libraries released a free Kontakt library of sounds made from bees. Check out the video to get…

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The "Simple Math" Myth of Sample Rate Conversion

I just saw this on a forum. I’ve seen something like this said many times. I won’t say who said it because he’s a good…