It’s been discovered that Pro Tools LE 8.0.4 places the recorded audio EARLIER than originally played. not just a few samples but up to 5000 samples early!
This was reported in August and there is no official fix for it yet.
Effected are Windows 7 and XP users
Mboxen, 003 series, 002 series
Pro Tools 8.0.4 only
Using the beta drivers for 8.0.4 with 8.0.3 works, but you may be trading one bug for another.
Eleven Rack is not effected. Does not apply to OSX users or M-Powered users.
45+ page thread on the DUC
Digi says a CS update to fix this is in testing, for legal reasons they cannot give a date. It’s been 6 weeks so far.
How to duplicate this test:
For all interfaces (003/003R, 002/002R, Mboxen, Eleven, etc):
* create a session with 1 click track, and 2 mono audio tracks
* bus the output of the click to the first audio track, arm the track and record it for 8 bars or so.
* disarm the track.
* mute the click track
* make sure you can hear the recorded click on playback
* connect a microphone to an available analog input
* set the input of the second track to the input with the mic attached
* put your headphones near the mic
* Arm the second audio track
* record.
For the interfaces with multiple outputs (003/003R, 002/002R, etc):
* create a session with 1 click track, and 2 mono audio tracks
* bus the output of the click to the first audio track, arm the track and record it for 8 bars or so.
* disarm the track.
* mute the click track
* make sure you can hear the recorded click on playback
* set the output of the first track to one of the analog outs
* set the input of the second track to one of the analog ins
* patch a cable from the output you chose to the input you chose.
* Arm the second audio track
* record.
Now zoom in and examine both waveforms. What do you see?