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Weekly Tweetdump 30

A week of Twitter activity from @theaudiogeek

  • Happy Mothra’s Day!
  • I coulda sworn it was Kenny Loggins that did “Push It To The Limit” but apparently not, just had some rappers here throw down on that beat.
  • Girl! [I found out my wife and I are having a girl]
  • Mix delivered and by all accounts pretty kick ass. But now what am i going to do?
  • The Home Recording Show – Show 75 – Homemade Effects and Demos
  • Sitting on the balcony auto-tuning. Gotta mix this song today.
  • @strangenotez Auto Tune Explained is good but you kinda just have to start using it and see what works.
  • I just did hands on Pro Tools troubleshooting for someone without leaving my computer VIA Team Viewer
  • I want to hear your thoughts on the latest AGZ article about editing.
  • New AGZ post: Editing to tighten performance
  • that was a sour pickle
  • first day of working from home, doing my previous job. Getting the store organized without there physically being one.
  • 1400 followers. It seems more followers = less interaction
  • New AGZ post: Weekly Tweetdump 29

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