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New theme

I’ve just spent the last couple hours finding, editing, and tweaking a new theme for the site.

Its based on RevolutionCars by AdivorBlog. I mostly just hacked out the adsense stuff and some other unnecessary parts. I like that the site now looks the same on both Internet Explorer and Firefox, a problem I could never fix with the previous theme.

What do you think?


  1. stiff
    stiff May 13, 2008

    Looking good Jon. Are you feeling like a new person now with a redesigned blog and new DAW? 😉

  2. Jon
    Jon May 13, 2008

    Getting Sonar made me realize how good the workflow is in PT.
    Sonar has some great features though and it’ll allow me to use better hardware.
    I can’t quit PT cold turkey. Its hold on me is much too strong.

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