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Month: March 2011

FREE SoundToys Devil-Loc Plugin (until March 31 2011)

SoundToys is giving out a very cool audio destroying plugin called Devil-Loc. It’s based on the classic Shure M62 Level Loc processor, but more extreme,…

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5 tips for recording great Electric Guitars with amps

5 tips for recording great Electric Guitars with amps Recording guitars can either be a lot of fun, or a lot of frustration. Here are…

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If you can't hear a 1dB change…

Recently on Twitter I posed the question – If you can’t hear a 1dB change is that a limitation of your ears, brain or equipment?…


Manifold Recording's amazing studio construction diary

Last week someone on Twitter linked to the construction diary of Manifold Recording studio. Looks like an amazing place, I can’t imagine the cost. There…

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Headphone comfort mod

One thing that always bothered me about my Shure SRH440 headphones any many others is that the earpads aren’t thick enough to keep my ears…


AGZ Rewind – February 2011

In case you missed something, here’s what happened in February 2011 02/28/11: 5 Tips for a Great Acoustic Guitar Recording 02/27/11: The Sound Of A…

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