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Pro Tools 9 is out!

And it’s a game changing announcement. I watched the live announcement along with nearly 1200 others and it was exciting to say the least. Two of the most requested features have been unlocked in this new version, and at a surprisingly low price. If you missed the presentation you can watch the replay here –

I’m not going to even attempt to cover everything, just the essential info on this major change.


  • Open hardware options, use any audio interface from any brand including the built-in mic, speakers on a laptop
  • Automatic Delay Compensation
  • I/O limit increased from 18 to 32 for Native systems
  • Core Audio and ASIO driver implementation
  • One installer for all versions and options
  • More tracks of all types
  • More buses (256!) and new type of bus
  • Music Production Toolkit and DV Toolkit features now included – Multitrack Beat Detective, Timecode, OMF etc
  • Replaces LE and M-Powered versions
  • EUCON integration for Euphonix control surfaces
  • New Complete Production Toolkit bundle 2 which bridges the gap between Pro Tools 9 (native) and Pro Tools HD 9 (for HD TDM and HD Native systems)
  • A Pro Tools HD 9 license includes a Pro Tools 9 (native) and Complete Production Toolkit licenses allowing you to unplug from your TDM rig and keep working
  • New Panning depth options (aka pan laws)
  • Works on Snow Leopard and Windows 7 ONLY (this is a good thing)
  • So much more

Check out the comparison and compatibility chart:

Read the What’s New in Pro Tools 9 document (pdf):

Read the Pro Tools 9 Reference Guide (pdf):

This update does not improve performance of the RTAS format or add any new MIDI features and Pro Tools is still a 32 bit application. There’s still a ways to go but this update has drop kicked the competition in the face and proved that AVID actually are listening to the wants and needs of Pro Tools users.


Buy Full version Pro Tools 9 software (if you don’t currently own a Pro Tools system):

Buy Pro Tools 9 Crossgrade from LE or M-Powered:

Buy Pro Tools HD 9 Upgrade (for current HD users):



  1. Scott Waldrep
    Scott Waldrep November 6, 2010

    I helped a friend install it on his system last night. He did the cross update. Everything went smooth and works great. All the plugins seem to work fine. I expected Ozone or some of the plugins not to work or have a bug. So far everything’s fine. I’ve got mine downloaded, but I’m waiting to finish a project this weekend to update mine. I’ve got to update to Snow Leopard also. Two words of advice. Download the updated drivers first, and get the serial number off of your interface if you’re doing the upgrade. I had to stop the activation process and climb behind my rack. I would have preferred to do the crawling on the floor first. Ha! Thanks for the update and I’m looking forward to the Home Recording Show episode on PT9.

  2. CD
    CD November 8, 2010

    Jon —

    So I’ve always been intrigued by PT but a few things have held me back: interfaces for sure and lack of quality instruments — but PT 8 seemed to have conquered the instruments part of that equation.

    Here’s my question. This:

    seems like a really good way to get in (I don’t need an interface…just the software) but, it seems too easy in a way.

    For someone just considering PT, what do you think? Is this a good way to go?


    • Jon
      Jon November 8, 2010

      The MBox Mini is not a great interface especially if you don’t need it.
      It would actually be better to get the NEW Mbox Mini and the $99 upgrade to PT 9. Do you have an iLok already?

      The instruments in PT 8 are excellent.

  3. CD
    CD November 9, 2010

    Well yeah, Mbox mini. I wouldn’t be getting it to use it.

    And the $99 upgrade…I haven’t actually seen it anywhere official. Have you?

    I’d need to buy an iLok but that’s no biggie.

    What about MIDI in PT. I don’t do anything that complicated but I’m used to Reason and Logic — are they pretty comparable at this point?

    • Jon
      Jon November 9, 2010

      The $99 upgrade was mentioned in the presentation but may not be set up yet.
      MIDI in Pro Tools is fine IMO, not really anything I haven’t been able to do. I think the MIDI is better than Reason personally and you can always rewire Reason so the MIDI wouldn’t change for you at all. If you’re used to a piano roll or score editor or event list you should be fine. Something like Cubase’s drum editor is not available. It has step input, half speed recording, advanced quantizing options, velocity scaling options, etc.
      There are a few missing or less complete features but huge advances were made in in PT8

  4. Scott Waldrep
    Scott Waldrep November 9, 2010

    Update to the Pro Tools 9 upgrade. I updated my system last night. I did the Snow Leopard upgrade first then the Pro Tools 9. Everything works perfect. I’ve had no problems and feel it was worth it.

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