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The Pro Tools Studio List

The always awesome AIR Users Blog has started a new service. They’re creating a page listing all the Pro Tools equipped studios. Listing your studio is free. Whether you have an Mbox or massive HD7 rig, if you do professional work with your Pro Tools studio, get on this list.

Info from the AIR Users Blog:

We thought it would be good to give members of the community the chance to list their Pro Tools studio for FREE, with the hope that we can connect those looking for a Pro Tools facility with those offering one, all for FREE of course.

This list includes everything from Producers with project studios to full blown multi-room facilities big enough to track an entire orchestra. You can list your particular equipment, specialisms, whatever you think will help match people up. Our aim is that over time, it will be the biggest single source of Pro Tools facilities on the web and a one stop offering for those looking for a Pro Tools facility.

Simply fill in the form here and we’ll soon be listing the entries on a new page.

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